We are a nonprofit and arrange to generate donations and revenue. However, we circulate funds throughout the organization and do not distribute "gains" to anything other than our cause's advancement. We use "everything" to fund as many jobs as possible for folks in our countries of operation (our scouting team). Most importantly, we enable ourselves to fund unlimited equipment and resources to train our team and enhance each country to discover overlooked athletes independently (sustainability through education). This circulation exists (the nonprofit model) so that we can operate in every African country, discover boundless overlooked kids, and provide infinite jobs and education to ignite "change." The more resources our organization has (as opposed to one individual or group within), the more overlooked kids we can discover.
We believe in business and need good companies with us. Undoubtedly, their donations drive us; without them, we are stationary. We unequivocally want to help our donors in return via the means outlined in our Funds Request. We are not unaware of how funds enter our organization, nor are we "anti-business" by being a nonprofit. Positively, we are a nonprofit because it gives us the highest ceiling to help the most overlooked kids, provide countless jobs and as much education as possible, and achieve everything that is our "sum." The nonprofit model ensures the circulation of funds versus tempting one person or group to profit substantially as a business, thus restricting our mission's resources.
We are not a player agency for the same reason we are not a business: we would have to scout older, age-sellable players and struggle to achieve our desired totality. As a player agency, we could not discover youth (as early as ten years old) who would otherwise go unnoticed and bring unprecedented awareness to overlooked kids and communities.
We are a social impact initiative using scouting to achieve a more wondrous whole: funding continent-wide jobs, educating our scouting team, promoting countless overlooked kids, and creating a transformative database to ignite "change." The nonprofit model removes financially incentivized partnerships with football clubs, agents, agencies, or anyone connected and maintains our mission's integrity of promoting kids to everyone. Yes, we can receive donations from these folks, but we cannot promote our players to one donor, group, or anyone connected for a financial return. We broadcast our kids to everyone to increase their opportunities and bring the outside "in" to equal discovery opportunities, "closing the gaps," and enabling kids to use their skills to advance their lives.
That said, we need agents and agencies as we do businesses. Agents enable players and clubs and fasten football. Fisher Talent Group works with these folks and everyone who donates or is interested in overlooked kids and our mission, and it excludes nobody from our database. We are "with" our donors like we are "with" agencies, football, and "change." We cannot progress without donations (many of which come from the essential business world) or move players without agents. We do not believe in discounting people's role in our mission or their part in collective "change." Most importantly, we will not perpetuate the "versus" between nonprofits and businesses—we are one. Lousy organizations exist in both, but quality ones affect how Fisher Talent Group advances and splits the credit for a better "tomorrow."
Yes, "Fisher Talent Group" sounds like an agency or a company and throws some for a loop. However, we do not arrange conventionally. Everything from the nonprofit model (giving us the highest ceiling to do the most "good") to our name, mission, and methodology is about living our beliefs. Most importantly, our relationship with the philanthropic arms of businesses, givers of foundations, love from individual donors, and everyone interested in overlooked kids is a respectful, necessary accord. Many of our donors do and will come from the vital business world, and many of our best relationships will be with player agents. We are genuine about financing an unobstructed degree of jobs and education (driving sustainability) and promoting countless overlooked kids via our database. Imagine a spinning earth "splash page." Next, picture it stopping in Africa. Then, envision it illuminating country lines and you clicking on one. Finally, "see" country rankings, environment analysis, talent scales, and searches by position, age, etc., appear. This description is a visualized (not fantasized) anticipation of our goal. Our database will beautifully represent the immense talent across Africa and be an accessible portal for the world. It will enable overlooked kids to be "seen," given a chance, and be a beacon for enlightenment and "change."
Most importantly, it will create jobs and education and manifest our totality. Yes, we are unconventional. However, what we anticipate is where we are going.
If you stand with us, please donate—we are unmoving if unaccompanied.
We cannot change the world independently, but we will together.
Until next time.
Live forever,
Rob Fisher
Executive Director and Head of Scouting