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Fisher Talent Group is a promotional talent database with marginalized African youth football (soccer) players, ages ten to eighteen. We scout rural Africa (and its cities) and discover talent in the community. We do not hold tryouts, identification events, "showcases," or anything similar to identify talent. Additionally, we do not pair as an academy or school, run coaching clinics, afterschool football programs, or camps, or combine our mission with another. We are a scouting operation. Our database focuses on the difference between helping and changing, and we believe kids should be able to use their skills to advance their lives. We aim to have a paid scouting operation in every African country (leading to jobs, economic empowerment, and scouting education) and have thousands of youth players across Africa seen by that many eyes across professional football. We are bringing folks into "closing the gaps," equal discovery opportunities, and "change."


Please stand with us by donating to our mission, subscribing to our newsletter, or following our socials.


You may also purchase merchandise from The Soul Store—all products are designed with talent identification, self-belief, and equality messages.


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